Mastering Proper Table Manners: The Right Way to Use a Spoon, Fork, and Knife

2023-04-21 13:53:45 By : admin
article on the proper use of cutlery.

Tangshan Win-Win Co., Ltd. has been in the business of exporting ceramic tableware for more than 20 years. In that time, we've come across a lot of people who are unsure about the correct way to use cutlery, especially forks and spoons. That's why we wanted to take this opportunity to provide some guidance on the proper use of these utensils.
What is the right way to use a spoon, fork, and knife?

First, let's start with the spoon. Although there are many types of spoons available, the basic rule is to hold the spoon in your dominant hand (usually the right) with the bowl facing upwards. Use the tip of the spoon to take small bites, and dip the spoon into sauces and soups using its whole bowl. When stirring tea or coffee, it's good etiquette to make small circles slowly rather than fast, vigorous motions.

Next up is the fork. Similar to the spoon, the fork should be held in your dominant hand with the prongs facing downwards. Use the fork to spear food and bring it to your mouth. It's important to note that some foods, like bread or salad, require a different technique. For bread, simply tear off a small piece before buttering and eating it. For salad, use the fork to push the lettuce onto the back of the fork, and use your knife to cut any stubborn pieces into bite-sized portions.

That brings us to the knife. Hold it in your dominant hand with the blade facing downwards. Use it to cut through meat and other foods that are difficult to chew. Place your index finger on top of the knife for better control, and use your fork to hold the food in place while cutting. It's considered bad manners to cut more than a few bites of food at once, so cut small portions and eat them before repeating the process.

When it comes to using cutlery as a set, the basic rule is to start from the outside and work your way in. For example, if there are multiple forks and knives on the table, use the outermost ones for the first course and replace them with the next set for the following course. The dessert spoon and fork are usually placed at the top of the plate or to the side of the plate and should be used only for dessert.

Another important rule is to never place the cutlery on the table once it has been used. When you're finished with a utensil, place it on the plate in a horizontal position. If you need to take a break from eating, place your knife and fork across the plate at a 4-6 o'clock position. This signals to the server that you're not done yet, but you're taking a break.

In conclusion, proper table manners require a bit of practice, but they're easily attainable with a bit of effort. Tangshan Win-Win Co., Ltd. hopes that these tips have been helpful in understanding the proper way to use cutlery. While these rules may seem strict, they're designed to make dining a more pleasant experience for everyone. So, next time you're out dining, remember to follow these guidelines, and you'll leave a good impression on those around you.